Sunday, July 5, 2009

Waxing Moon

After the fireworks I headed home to check on my dog, Zeb. He wasn't too happy with the firecrackers and other small explosions around the neighborhood. I let him out and was stuck by the brightness of the moon. After being so cloudy earlier in the day, it was a clear, cool night. Here's the waxing moon on July 4th, it'll be a big full moon in a few days (July 7th).

4th of July Celebration with Friends

The day started out cloudy and rainy. Not any massive thunder storms, just a consistent rainfall. I was wondering if it would clear up in time for the much anticipated trip to Sonic to watch fireworks with my good friends Cris and Paul.

I spent the majority of the day just lounging and not doing anything constructive. I checked my e-mail and played on the computer while watching a show on the History channel about the Revolutionary War and creation of our country. It's amazing that the United States actually came into existence. There were so many obstacles in the way of the birth of our nation...including the lack of cooperation between the individual states.

By early evening the sky had cleared and it looked good for seeing the display. I was able capture a few photos of the festivities. I was only using a small digital camera, but, was able to get a few decent pictures of the explosives!

Happy Birthday, America...and here's to another 233 years!!!