I'm not sure why, but I've been doing some vivid dreaming over the last few days. Maybe it was that really high fever that I was running, or maybe I have allot on my mind these days.
So, yesterday I was dreaming about being on railroad tracks. I have no idea why I was there and it seemed like someone else was there with me. The next thing I know there is a train barrelling down the tracks straight toward me. In the dream I was paralyzed. I could not move, even though I knew that I had to or the train was going to plow right into me. I kept yelling at myself "move, Suzi". Then, as dreams will do, the scene morphed from a flat railroad track into a track running on a bridge. It didn't seem very high, but to get off the tracks I was going to have to jump. I still couldn't move...I couldn't figure out how far I'd fall and I couldn't figure out how to crawl under the tracks to safety. All the while the train is coming closer and closer. It had even started blowing it's horn. Finally, at the last second, I must have jumped. The train was rumbling overhead and I was clinging to the beams under the track. It was at this point I awoke...it was like a scene out of an old western movie.
I suppose that there is some significance of trains in dream analysis. Maybe I'm afraid of being derailed in my current life. The real question is by what or whom??? Or, maybe I need to be able to "jump" into something that I've been afraid to start, but feel paralyzed to change. Could be a combo of the two...or neither. Maybe, I'll "google" dream analysis and trains!